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  • Corporation Tax

    What are the new corporation tax rates for small businesses?

    New corporation tax rates for small businesses in the UK, starting April 1, 2023

  • Presents

    Tax tips for freelancers and small businesses over the festive season

    Here are some useful things to know for UK freelancers and small businesses over the festive period:

  • Calendar

    Useful dates for the diary for freelancers & small business owners in the UK

    As a freelancer or small business owner in the UK, there are a number of important dates that you need to be aware of throughout the year.

  • Time to Pay

    How to set up payment plans for personal income tax, corporation tax, and value added tax (VAT)

    If you are struggling to pay your tax bills, you may be able to set up a payment plan with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

  • Chancellor of the Exchequer

    The Chancellor's Big Day: Here's Everything Small Businesses and Freelancers Need to Know About the Next Announcement

    The Chancellor's speech is just around the bend, Small businesses and freelancers, attend.
    Listen close to his words, And don't get caught off guard, Or your budgets may need to mend.

  • Empty piggy bank

    Is It Fair That Small Businesses Have to Pay Both VAT and Corporation Tax?

    Small businesses are the backbone of the UK economy, but they also face a number of challenges, including the high cost of taxation.

  • Tax Cake

    The Ins and Outs of Corporation Tax

    Corporation tax is a tax that is paid by businesses on their profits.

  • Pension Pot

    How to Get a State Pension as a Self-Employed Person

  • Ambulance

    Are The Self-Employed Entitled to Sick Pay?

    Self-employed people in the UK are not entitled to statutory sick pay (SSP) in the same way that employees are.

  • Phone

    Tax Exemption for Mobile Phones

    : What Small Business Owners Need to Know

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