• Benefits Thumbs up Heart Emoji

    Making the Most of Your Limited Company: Perks and Tax Efficiency for Solopreneurs and Small Businesses

    Running a limited company, whether as a freelancer, solopreneur, or with a small family team, offers flexibility and tax advantages. Here's how you can optimise your finances:

  • Family

    Family Business? Taking Money Out: A Simplified Guide

    Running a family business is a team effort, you're the heart and soul of the operation. But when it comes to paying yourself, things can get confusing faster than a toddler with a box of crayons.

  • Child Benefit

    Lost Years, Lost Credit: Why Registering for Child Benefit Matters

    A recent scandal has revealed a hidden pitfall for parents who choose not to claim child benefit: potential loss of state pension credit in retirement.

  • Pension v ISA

    ISA vs Pension: Navigating the Savings Maze for Freelancers and the Self-Employed

    A comprehensive guide to navigating the ISA vs pension debate for freelancers and the self-employed. Remember, knowledge is power, and informed financial decisions can lead to a secure and fulfilling future.

  • Pension SIPP

    Planning for the Future: A Guide to Retirement for Freelancers and the Self-Employed

    A Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is a type of personal pension that gives you a wide range of investment choices.

  • Pension

    Plan your retirement income with the UK government's online tool

    Retirement is a time when many people look forward to relaxing and enjoying their golden years.

  • Autumn Statement 2023

    Autumn Statement Update for Self-Employed and Small Business Owners

    Freelancers and small business owners, here are the key takeaways from today's Autumn Statement:

  • Class 2 National Insurance Contributions

    Self-Employed? Don't Miss Out on Your State Pension: What You Need to Know About Class 2 National Insurance Contributions

    Are you paying your Class 2 National Insurance Contributions (NICs)?

  • Deadline for voluntary National Insurance contributions extended to 2025

    Deadline for voluntary National Insurance contributions extended to 2025

    Up until 5th April 2025, it’s possible to pay voluntary NICs to make up for gaps from April 2006 to April 2016.

  • Pension Pot

    Pension payments – What tax relief is available?

    To encourage pension savings, tax relief is available on contributions made to registered pension schemes.

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