• Start Up Freelance Business

    Launching Your Business Without Breaking the Bank: Claiming Pre-Trading Expenses

    Starting a business is exciting, but it can also come with a mountain of pre-launch expenses.

  • MONEY losses

    Don't Let Losses Drag You Down: Tax Relief for Freelancers & Small Businesses

    Running your own show is rewarding, but sometimes even the most dedicated entrepreneurs face a tough year.

  • Expenses

    Freelancers: Can You Write Off Meals with Clients?

    Running your own business means keeping costs down.

  • Books

    Good News for Self-Employed Training Costs!

    Just starting your own business? Great decision! As a new freelancer or sole trader, you might be wondering if you can claim tax relief for training courses.

  • Saving Money Tax

    Saving your Money Tax-Free: A Simple Guide to ISAs

    Are you saving money and worried about paying tax on the interest you earn? You're not alone! With rising interest rates, more people are finding their savings pushed above the tax-free limit.

  • Map of the UK, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

    Income Tax Rates and Allowances for 2024/25 (UK)

    Here's a breakdown of income tax rates and allowances for residents across the UK:

  • 2024

    Drumroll please... It's Tax Season 2024!

    Don't let the filing frenzy faze you. Get ready with us!

  • Finance Influncer Scam

    The Double Take: Tax "Hacks" from TikTok Influencers and the Perilous Pitfalls

    Scroll through any social media platform these days, and you're bound to stumble upon "finance influencers" peddling their secret tax-saving strategies.

  • Insurance Policy

    Navigating the Labyrinth of Insurance Premiums: Why Freelancers, the Self-Employed, and New Business Owners Face Higher Costs

    In the dynamic world of work, the rise of freelancing, self-employment, and new business ventures has transformed the professional landscape.

  • Child Benefit

    Separating couples with children and child benefit: What you need to know

    If you and your partner are separating, you need to decide who will continue to claim child benefit.

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