• Delayed

    VAT registration number delay announced

    HMRC are currently taking an inordinately long time to issue VAT registration numbers.

  • Corporation Tax

    New corporation tax regime

    Corporation tax is being reformed from 1 April 2023.

  • Spring Budget 2023

    Spring Budget 2023

    Today, Jeremy Hunt announced the following measures:

    • Further support with energy bills

    • Expanded free childcare for children aged nine months to four

    • The abolition of the pension lifetime allowance

    • Climbing corporation tax

  • bike to work

    Can my company buy me a new bicycle?

    The government introduced ‘cycle to work’ back in 1999.

  • restaurant table.

    Can I deduct entertaining expenses?

    The tax rules on the deductibility of entertaining expenses are harsh and often misunderstood

  • Risk

    Avoiding common errors when computing business profits

    These 5 risk areas are prone to errors when computing business profits.

  • Screenshot from “The Inbetweeners” where the four main characters are in the car.

    When is a car a pool car?

    Rather than allocating specific cars to particular employees, some employers find it preferable to operate a carpool and have a number of cars available for use by employees when they need to undertake a business journey.

  • Phonecall

    Tax-free mobile phone

    Mobile phones are ubiquitous – they are also subject to a tax exemption which enables employees to

  • Donate

    Tax relief for charitable donations

    Individuals who donate to charity can do so tax-free.

  • Self Assessment

    Need a hand with your Self Assessment tax return?

    For 2022/23 Tax Returns, the period started on 6th April 2022 and ended on 5th April 2023 and you must register for self-assessment before 5th October 2023.

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