Director's Salary Guide 2025/26: Two Clear Paths to Tax Efficiency
As a limited company director, you face a key decision: how to pay yourself most effectively. In the 2025/26 tax year, there are two primary salary strategies to consider, each suited to different income needs and business structures.
The Two Main Salary Options:
£6,500 per Year (£541.66/Month): This option prioritises minimal upfront cost and state pension qualification, ideal for directors primarily relying on dividends.
£12,570 per Year (£1,047.50/Month): This option maximises your allowance and reduces corporation tax, suitable for directors needing a larger regular income.
Which path is right for you? Let's explore the details.
Detailed Breakdown of Salary Options:
1. £6,500 per Year (£541.66/Month): Prioritising State Pension and Dividends
Best for: Sole directors primarily extracting profits as dividends.
Meets the Lower Earnings Limit, ensuring State Pension eligibility.
Minimises immediate salary-related costs.
Incurs a small Employer NI obligation (approx. £225/year).
Does not fully use the personal allowance.
2. £12,570 per Year (£1,047.50/Month): Maximising Allowance and Reducing Corporation Tax
Best for: Directors needing a larger regular income from the company.
Uses the full Personal Allowance (no income tax).
Maximises corporation tax relief.
Ensures state pension eligibility.
Triggers Employer NI contributions (approx. £1,135.50/year) - This is an allowable expense for Corporation Tax.
Specific Scenarios:
Sole Directors with No Other Employees:
Both the £6,500 and £12,570 options are viable. The choice depends on your income requirements and priorities.
Companies with 2 or more Directors or at least 1 Additional Employee:
The £12,570 option is strongly recommended to utilise the £10,500 Employment Allowance, which can potentially eliminate Employer NI contributions.
Key Financial Thresholds for 2025/26:
Personal Allowance: £12,570 (Income tax-free amount)
Employer's NI Threshold (Secondary Threshold): £5,000 (Above this, your company pays Employer's NI)
Employee's NI Threshold (Primary Threshold): £12,570 (Above this, you pay Employee's NI)
Lower Earnings Limit: £6,500 (Qualifies for State Pension credits)
Dividend Allowance: £500 (Tax-free dividend income)
Employment Allowance: £10,500 (Reduces Employer NI liability, available in certain circumstances)
Understanding the Thresholds:
The Personal Allowance is the amount of income you can earn before paying income tax.
The Employer's NI Threshold determines when your company starts paying National Insurance contributions on your salary.
The Employee's NI Threshold determines when you, as the employee, start paying National Insurance contributions on your salary.
The Lower Earnings Limit is the minimum income needed to qualify for a year of State Pension contributions.
The Dividend Allowance is the amount of dividend income you can receive tax-free.
The Employment Allowance is an allowance that can be claimed by companies that have multiple employees.
Key Considerations:
Cash Flow: Balance NI costs with corporation tax savings.
State Pension: Ensure at least £6,500 to qualify.
Employment Allowance: Check eligibility for NI savings.
Additional Income: Factor in other income sources.
Dividend Strategy: Plan carefully due to the reduced £500 allowance.