
  • Getting paid faster

    Hey small business owners & freelancers, want to get paid 70% faster? Here's how

    Getting paid on time is essential for any small business or freelancer. But it can be tough to chase down late payments, especially when you're busy with other things.

  • CIS tradesman

    What CIS workers need to know and provide when working with their accountant

    The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a government scheme that is designed to reduce tax evasion in the construction industry.

  • Child Benefit

    Who is eligible to receive child benefit?

    Child benefit is a government payment to parents and guardians of children under the age of 16, or under the age of 20 if they are still in full-time education.

  • Payment

    What is payment on account?

    Payment on account is a system used by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to collect tax from self-employed people and small businesses.

  • Xero

    Xero Customers Update: Open Banking

    A simple, secure way to pay bills without leaving Xero.

  • Childcare

    Are childcare costs deductable for the self-employed and small business owners?

    HMRC figures that if you're self-employed or a small business owner, you're rich enough to pay for your own childcare. Of course, this isn't entirely fair.

  • FreeAgent Update

    FreeAgent Clients Update : Welcome Smart Capture

    FreeAgent has significantly enhanced its Auto Extract feature to help streamline expense management.

  • VAT

    Should the self-employed leave the VAT Flat Rate Scheme?

    The VAT Flat Rate Scheme is a simplified scheme for smaller businesses, but it may not be the best option for all self-employed people.

  • Autumn Statement 2023

    Autumn Statement Update for Self-Employed and Small Business Owners

    Freelancers and small business owners, here are the key takeaways from today's Autumn Statement:

  • Self Employed person

    Can freelancers and the self-employed claim expenses for working from home?

    In short, yes, but...

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