
  • Companies House Increase

    Companies House Fees to Increase: What You Need to Know

    Companies House is raising its fees starting May 1st, 2024.

  • Salary

    Recommended 2024/25 Salary

    Salary Sorted! Corporation tax thresholds haven't changed, so here's a quick tip to save your company some cash:

  • Pick Up Truck

    How New Tax Ruling Affects Small Businesses Using Double-Cab Pickups

    Attention small business owners who use double-cab pickups!

  • Cloud Accounting

    Ditch the Spreadsheet Struggle, Freelancers! Embrace Cloud Accounting Bliss

    Thinking of moving from desktop accounting software to the cloud? 

  • 2024

    Drumroll please... It's Tax Season 2024!

    Don't let the filing frenzy faze you. Get ready with us!

  • Heat Pump

    Heat Pump Incentives: Home or Business, Which Grant Saves You More?

    Navigating the options can be tricky, lets look at the main two key schemes

  • Paternity Leave

    Paternity Leave Gets Flexible: How the 2024 Changes Impact Self-Employed Parents

    For self-employed parents in the UK, the arrival of a new child means not just joy, but also a juggling act of responsibilities and income.

  • Pension v ISA

    ISA vs Pension: Navigating the Savings Maze for Freelancers and the Self-Employed

    A comprehensive guide to navigating the ISA vs pension debate for freelancers and the self-employed. Remember, knowledge is power, and informed financial decisions can lead to a secure and fulfilling future.

  • Spring Budget

    Hunt Announces Tax Cuts and ISA Changes in Spring Budget

    Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled a package of tax cuts and savings measures in his Spring Budget address today. Here's a quick rundown of the key announcements for small businesses & freelancers:

  • Finance Influncer Scam

    The Double Take: Tax "Hacks" from TikTok Influencers and the Perilous Pitfalls

    Scroll through any social media platform these days, and you're bound to stumble upon "finance influencers" peddling their secret tax-saving strategies.

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